2025 Ambassadors
Ace’s Story
Ace had open-heart surgery at four months old and received care in both the CICU and CCU for a complete atrioventricular canal. His mom, Andrea, had received a referral to CHOP for an in-utero diagnosis and treatment for Ace’s heart defect. “His recovery took longer than anticipated; however, CHOP was patient and worked at his pace,” says Andrea. Now nine months old, Ace is playing, rolling and eating without a feeding tube. He continues to be followed by “the best cardiology team a family could ask for.”
Addison’s Story
A heart murmur detected at Addison’s first newborn visit led to a diagnosis of double outlet right ventricle with ventricular septal defect at her local hospital. Since coming to CHOP, she has had several procedures including open-heart surgeries. Today, Addison keeps a running list of accolades: varsity field hockey player, president of her class and ambassador for the American Heart Association (AHA).
Amari’s Story
Amari was diagnosed in utero with hypoplastic left heart syndrome. She was referred to CHOP, where she had a series of three open-heart surgeries to treat the underdeveloped side of her heart. Caring and brave, Amari wants to grow up to be a doctor — a super strong one. In the meantime, she enjoys dancing, shopping and going on vacations with her family.
Brielle’s Story
It all started when Brielle was nine. Her mom, Shawntique, took her to CHOP in hopes of finding and fixing the cause behind Brielle’s fainting. “I was told that if CHOP couldn’t heal her, no one could,” she shares. As her diagnosis would reveal, Brielle had a heart defect and needed a heart transplant among other procedures. As of Dec. 2024, Brielle is back to chasing her dreams of joining the WNBA. Realizing just how lucky she is, Brielle hopes the other kids at CHOP can also heal and pursue theirs.
Caden’s Story
During her third trimester, Meghan was admitted to CHOP’s Special Delivery Unit (SDU) for prenatal care to treat her son Caden’s cardiac rhabdomyoma, a large, non-cancerous tumor inside his left ventricle. By the time Caden was born, his tumor had shrunk by half. “We always felt well-informed, prepared for all possible scenarios and that we were in the best possible hands,” recalls Meghan. With ongoing care at CHOP, Caden’s heart function has improved to the point where he is practically unaffected by the presence of the tumor. Blissfully unaware of his condition, Caden spends all day playing and chasing his siblings around the house.
Ella’s Story
Ella’s journey at CHOP began when gastrointestinal concerns revealed other challenges: a heart murmur. Upon admission, testing confirmed a diagnosis of peripheral pulmonary artery stenosis, pulmonary hypertension and an atrial septal defect. Since then, Ella has undergone multiple procedures and regular check-ups at CHOP. Despite these challenges, Ella’s resilience shines. She has achieved remarkable feats, including winning two gold medals in the Special Olympics equestrian games. As her mom, Amy, says, “Ella grew up in the Cardiac Center,” but she has never let her health define her.
Kai’s Story
There were many ups and downs during Kai’s 14 months at CHOP. His prenatal screening had led to a diagnosis of unicuspid aortic valve stenosis. Once born, he had a series of treatments and procedures such as ECMO support, implanted BiVAD Berlin Heart and numerous catheterizations. This ultimately led to his successful heart transplant. With unmatched strength and perseverance, Kai overcame every obstacle thrown his way. Today, Kai has a fiery zest for life and will dance at any opportunity. He loves to play with his toy trains, go for boat rides, have adventures at the park and play with his dog, Athena.
Luca’s Story
Despite having hypoplastic left heart syndrome, Luca enjoys basketball, baseball and golfing with dad. Leading up to his diagnosis at two days old, Luca was sleepy, wouldn’t nurse and was gray in color. Treatment included a staged heart reconstruction and other surgical procedures. Luca had his final surgery in 2022 and has continued to thrive. At six years old, he dreams of becoming a personal trainer — just like his dad.
Lucy’s Story
Lucy was born with congenital heart disease and transferred to CHOP at 24 hours old. Transferring to CHOP has allowed her to live her best life despite her diagnoses: coarctation of the aorta, ventricular septal defect and bicuspid aortic valve. Lucy’s two open-heart surgeries, G-tube surgery and multiple other procedures at CHOP have allowed her to play, laugh and dance along with her brothers, Michael and Matthew, and copy every little thing they do. “We owe CHOP everything — they saved our daughter,” says mom Dana. “The level of care and expertise is unmatched.”
Reya’s Story
Reya, who has a heart defect and an absent sternum (a rare chest wall defect), spent the first seven months of her life in the Cardiac Center. “My maternal-fetal medicine doctor didn’t want to send me anywhere other than CHOP,” says Heather, Reya’s mom. While inpatient Reya received a stent and catheter, followed by heart surgery and a balloon catheter. With Reya’s final heart surgery planned for 2025, under the trusted hands of Stephanie Fuller, MD, nothing can slow her down. And her quality of life is expected to get even better. That means more quality time to spend with her family and its newest addition: her baby brother!
2024 Ambassadors
2024 Ambassadors
Ares’ Story
Ares was diagnosed in utero with hypoplastic left heart syndrome at 23 weeks gestational age. Ares’s mother first came to CHOP as a referral to seek the right care for her son’s condition. Treatment included heart and blood medications once he was born and several forms of therapy later on — physical, occupational and speech. After an unexpected heart failure at 2, however, Ares would need a heart transplant rather than a third open-heart surgery as planned. Despite some scares along the way, he ultimately pulled through. Now with his new heart, Ares no longer has to celebrate his birthday or holidays in the hospital and can instead dress up with mom and eat grandma’s cooking at home.
Constantine’s Story
Constantine, or CJ as his parents call him, was diagnosed with total anomalous pulmonary venous return at just 1 day old. At 3 days old, he had already undergone his first open heart surgery, performed by Dr. Jonathan Chen. “Thanks to CHOP, we have a healthy 9-month-old baby boy who fills our days with joy,” says mom Elza, who went into labor while watching an Eagles game. Recently, Constantine has learned how to crawl and sit up for the first time — and with any luck, his first words will be “Go Eagles!”
Emalyn’s Story
Ultrasound abnormalities before birth led to Emalyn’s diagnosis of truncus arteriosus. Unlike the fun-loving and silly prankster she is, her condition was rare and rather serious. Three open heart surgeries and five cardiac catheterizations later, Emalyn and her family now have a tradition of shouting “Thanks CHOP!” every time they pass by — whether it’s on the way to the airport or the stadium to see the Eagles play. If you ask dad Alex, CHOP is not just any hospital; it’s “the hospital that has given our family and so many others hope and health.”
Genesis’ Story
Genesis (or “Gen-Gen”) presented with a low oxygenation rate at birth and was diagnosed with a ventricular septal defect a few days later. Thankfully, it would take only one open heart surgery to correct it. During her short stay at CHOP, Genesis made sure to visit the playroom each day and even made some new friends. “Genesis fell in love with the nurses and even had a dance battle with a few on the unit,” says mom Ronisha, who hopes to see her daughter continue to thrive and grow beautifully as the sassy and independent little lady she is.
Katrina’s Story
Katrina has had a total of two heart transplants at CHOP. Five months before she was born, Katrina was diagnosed prenatally with total anomalous pulmonary venous return, double outlet right ventricle, mitral regurgitation and pulmonary stenosis. As a result, she received her first heart transplant at 9 weeks old. She did well up until adulthood, at which point a new diagnosis of coronary artery disease required a second heart transplant. But rather than be disheartened, Katrina is more motivated than ever. Currently a junior in college, she is studying hard in order to “contribute to the future care of and research to help children.”
Magnus-Aodhan’s Story
Diagnosed in utero at 20 weeks gestational age, Magnus-Aodhan was born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, partial anomalous pulmonary venous return, and pulmonary vein stenosis. At the tender age of 2, this upbeat and playful little boy has already braved four open heart surgeries, including a Norwood, super Glenn, and diaphragmatic plication, and has had a pacemaker placed post-surgery. As he continues to undergo routine catheterizations, his parents continue to give many thanks to the team behind these numerous life-saving procedures, namely Jonathan M. Chen, MD; Michael L. O’Byrne, MD, MSCE; and Therese M. Giglia, MD, FAHA. But CHOP doctors aren’t the only ones to make an impression. Mom Diana reminds us of the power of great nurse: “She was caring, loving and attentive to our vulnerable son, patient with a pair of frightened, new parents, and to this day, remains a good and trusted friend to our family.”
Matthew’s Story
Matthew was diagnosed with Burkitt’s lymphoma as a baby at just two-and-a-half years old. As a teenager, he had heart failure back in July of 2022 — most likely caused by chemotherapy drugs from past treatment. That same month, he underwent open heart surgery and was placed on the transplant list. Although a ventricular assist device would keep his heart pumping in the meantime, it made it difficult to play golf, which he so loves. Fast forward to March 2023, and the grass is now greener than ever; Matthew is officially a cancer survivor AND a heart transplant recipient! He and mom Diane are “forever grateful to the heart transplant team at CHOP.”
Olivia Mae’s Story
Olivia was diagnosed with hypoplastic right heart syndrome along with multiple ventricular septal defects at her 20-week anatomy scan prior to being born. She has been followed by CHOP cardiology since birth and has had two cardiac catheterizations as well as two open heart surgeries. “We will never take for granted that we are lucky enough to have the best care in our very own backyard,” says mom Kaitlyn. Now 18 months old, Olivia has no problem attending her Little Gym classes and swim lessons every week — all to keep up with her big sister, Kennedy Marie.
Thomas’ Story
Born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, Thomas was first referred to the Fetal Heart Program at CHOP after an abnormal anatomy scan. While there, he underwent a Norwood procedure followed by a successful bidirectional Glenn procedure. An outgoing and curious little guy, Thomas is quickly becoming a familiar face at the many community events in his hometown of Conshohocken. His parents credit his full recovery to the “amazing surgical team led by Dr. Maeda, regular visits with his outpatient cardiologist, Dr. Favilla, and around-the-clock support from the Infant Single Ventricle Monitoring Program.”
2023 Ambassadors
Alice’s Story
During a routine newborn exam, Alice’s doctor detected a heart murmur that needed further evaluation. “We knew that CHOP had the best team at the Cardiac Center to guide us through the uncertainty and help with the anxiety of having a baby with congenital heart disease,” says Alice’s mother, Ima. Within days of her birth, Alice was seen in CHOP’s Cardiac Center where she was diagnosed with a ventricular septal defect. Though she may need future surgical care, for now Alice receives regular echocardiograms to monitor the health of her heart. A bubbly toddler, Alice loves swim lessons, books and playing outside with neighborhood friends.
Amelia’s Story
Amelia attends pre-K and loves dance class. She will also need lifelong cardiac care. Amelia was still in her mother’s womb when a fetal echo showed extensive heart abnormalities. Born in the Garbose Family Special Delivery Unit, Amelia underwent open-heart surgery at just 4 days old. After her second surgery at 3 months, Amelia remained inpatient for nine months, requiring several cardiac interventions. At nine months, she was discharged with a g-tube and a tracheostomy. Now 4, Amelia is monitored regularly to determine when her next cardiac intervention will be needed. “We owe each precious moment we’ve gotten with her to the Cardiac Center,” says her mom, Annika.
Chloe’s Story
14-year-old Chloe plays travel softball and loves to dance. But when she was 11, she began to experience shortness of breath during extreme exercise. Though doctors initially thought Chloe had exercise-induced asthma, she was ultimately diagnosed with multiple atrial septal defects, or holes between the upper chambers of the heart, as well as mitral regurgitation. At CHOP, Chloe underwent open heart surgery to repair an atrial septal defect. Now, she’s been lifted of all exercise restrictions and is back to the sports she loves. “My hope is that Chloe will continue to embrace her diagnosis while never letting it hold her back,” says Chloe’s mom, Rachel.
Collin’s Story
Diagnosed in utero, Collin was born with Taussig-Bing anomaly, a heart malformation which includes double outlet right ventricle and ventricular septal defect. At only 5 days old, Collin underwent open-heart surgery to repair the defects. Post-surgery, CHOP doctors placed a pacemaker. When Colin’s heart rate dropped dangerously low this year, he had another surgery to repair a fractured pacemaker lead. “I remember a nurse telling me this is all part of Collin’s journey,” says his mom, Jennifer. “I’ve held on to that word. Collin’s whole life will be a journey, and we — his family — will be right by his side for all of it!”
Gideon’s Story
When Gideon was still in his mother’s womb, he was diagnosed with coarctation of the aorta and multiple ventricular septal defects. Gideon has Holt Oram syndrome, a rare disease impacting the skeletal system and the heart. He has undergone several cardiac procedures; after his second open-heart surgery, he went into cardiac arrest and spent four days on lifesaving ECMO. Thanks to CHOP’s innovative cardiac care, Gideon’s heart now “looks fantastic.” A playful and curious 7-year-old, Gideon dreams of starting his own YouTube channel and living in a mansion with his friends!
Jonas’ Story
Jonas was 2 weeks old when his pediatrician detected a heart murmur during a routine exam. Jonas’ family was referred to CHOP, where Jonas was ultimately diagnosed with a ventricular septal defect (VSD), or hole in his heart. At 15 months, Jonas underwent open-heart surgery to patch the VSD. His mom, Yvonne, remembers the attentive, individualized care they received in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit while Jonas recovered. “We knew we were in the best hands possible,” she says. Now 2, Jonas loves riding his scooter and copying his big sister, Savannah.
Kodi’s Story
A heart murmur at Kodi’s 1-month-checkup led to a diagnosis of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), a condition in which the opening between the two major blood vessels leading from the heart doesn’t close after birth. Kodi needed surgery to close the vessels. Now, this bubbly 6-month-old loves to laugh and play with her big sister. “We hope Kodi never has to have another heart surgery,” says Kodi’s parents. “We’re participating in the Philly Spin In to raise funds for kids like Kodi.”
Lorenzo’s Story
Lorenzo was diagnosed in utero with hypoplastic left heart syndrome. He underwent his first open heart surgery when he was only 3 days old, and his second four months later. Lorenzo’s doctors were beginning to plan for his third and final surgery when Lorenzo went into heart failure. He was placed on the transplant list and received a ventricular assist device (VAD) to keep him alive until a new heart could be found. In June 2022, Lorenzo underwent a heart transplant, just in time for his third birthday!
Mia’s Story
20-year-old Mia was born with a ventricular septal defect, or hole in the wall of her heart. For years, Mia was monitored at CHOP, but her VSD was small and did not require treatment. At 19, however, Mia developed a dry cough and began to lose weight. She had developed an infection in her pulmonary valve and needed valve replacement surgery. “She went through open-heart surgery with courage,” says her mother, Nicole. “She gave the rest of us strength.” Now, Mia is a busy college student who loves riding horses and spending time with her sister.
Oliver’s Story
Oliver (“Ollie”) Powell was diagnosed in utero with hypoplastic left heart syndrome. At 4 days old, he underwent his first open-heart surgery and remained in the hospital until his second repair at 4 months. While recovering from this operation, Ollie suffered an unexpected cardiac arrest. After 35 minutes of CPR, Ollie was placed on ECMO but had sustained a profound brain injury from the lack of oxygen to his brain. At 6 months, he was finally discharged home. “He’s an absolute joy and spreads love to everyone he meets,” says Ollie’s mom, Emily. “CHOP gave us hope and gave Oliver a chance to live. That’s all we ever wanted for him.”
Paul’s Story
Paul (“Paulie”) was diagnosed in utero with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS). This happy baby has already undergone two open-heart surgeries, a heart catheterization and COVID-19 during the interstage period. Paulie’s mom, Anne Marie, says, “As the leading place for treating HLHS, we knew CHOP was the only place for our son’s care. Dr. Chen and Dr. Rychik were amazingly positive every step of the way. They gave us hope — our happy, healthy little boy!” Paulie’s parents are participating in Philly Spin-In to give hope to other children like Paulie. Now 15 months, Paulie is taking on new challenges every day, including eating by mouth and learning to walk!
Rita May’s Story
In CHOP’s Cardiac ICU, Rita May was nicknamed “Rebel Rita” for her determination and serious side-eye. That determination has gotten this fierce 16-month-old through three open-heart surgeries—including a heart transplant—multiple cardiac catheterizations and countless scans. Born with Turner syndrome, Rita May has a variant type of hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Still inpatient at CHOP, Rita May met her 3-year-old brother right before her heart transplant. Now, she loves laughing at his silly dance moves and reading books with him.
Tyler’s Story
Tyler was born with multiple heart defects, including double outlet right ventricle and hypoplastic left ventricle. This sweet and shy little boy has already undergone open-heart surgery and multiple cardiac catheterizations. Tyler’s mom, Karleen, says she finds hope in the cutting-edge interventions and surgical procedures that keep kids like Tyler living well into adulthood. Tyler’s family is participating in Philly Spin-In to help raise funds to further advance pediatric cardiac research and care. Now 5, Tyler loves playing with his siblings and recently rode his first roller coaster!
2022 Ambassadors
Ariyan’s Story
7-month-old Ariyan was diagnosed with CHD in utero, during a routine prenatal ultrasound. She was two days old when she underwent her first surgery; her second took place in Feb. 2022. Ariyan’s dad, Raheem, says regular communication with Ariyan’s care team has been a huge support to their family throughout her treatment. Though he knows Aryian’s heart journey will continue through childhood, he hopes his happy, loving and playful daughter will have “a long, productive and active life with no limits.” The family is participating in Philly Spin-In to help bring awareness to pediatric heart disease.
Brielle’s Story
When Brielle was born, doctors heard a heart murmur, which led them to discover a ventricular septal defect (VSD), or hole in Brielle’s heart. Four months later, CHOP doctors patched the VSD. “There’s nothing scarier than knowing your baby is headed for open-heart surgery,” say Brielle’s parents. “But our daughter was in the best hands!” Brielle recovered quickly, growing from an underweight infant to an inquisitive 1-year-old who sits, crawls, pulls up and gives great cuddles! “We thank CHOP every day for repairing our daughter’s heart so she can grow and thrive,” say her parents.
Elias’s Story
When 2-year-old Elias suffered a syncope caused by his severe pulmonary hypertension, he was placed on ECMO (a heart-lung bypass machine) and transported to CHOP for emergency care. Though Elias’s chance of survival seemed bleak, Dr. Katsuhide Maeda knew his best chance was a risky surgical procedure called Potts shunt, an open-heart operation that, if successful, could save the toddler’s life and delay the need for a future lung transplant. Elias’s surgery made him one of the very rare cases of a successful Potts shunt while on ECMO. “Nothing that could’ve gone wrong did,” says Elias’s mom, Johanna. “Dr. Maeda was an angel sent to heal our son.”
Emma’s Story
Emma was an infant when doctors in China discovered she had a ventricular septal defect, or hole between the lower chambers of her heart. After she was adopted, Emma was brought to CHOP for care and underwent a mitral valve replacement. “The nurses in the Cardiac Center were so great,” says Emma’s mom, Beth-Anne. “Her cardiologist is like a member of our family.” Now a bubbly 6-year-old, Emma is full of energy and loves ballet and tap dancing. When she grows up, she wants to be “a doctor for babies.”
Gabriel’s (“Gabo”) Story
Shortly before his 8th birthday, Gabriel (“Gabo”) suffered a sudden cardiac arrest and was medevacked from his local New Jersey hospital to CHOP, where he spent four days on an ECMO machine to keep him alive. Doctors placed an automatic implantable cardioverter-defibrillator to monitor Gabo’s heart rate and deliver a life-saving shock if needed. But over time, Gabo’s heart began to fail; he needed a heart transplant. Gabo received his new heart on Father’s Day 2021, making him CHOP’s 300th heart transplant patient! Six months later, the brave, thoughtful, 9-year-old performed in The Nutcracker.
Grayson’s Story
Grayson’s parents first participated in Philly Spin-In before he was born — so they could raise funds to support little hearts. Just months after their first Spin-In, they discovered they were pregnant, and 16 weeks later, Grayson was diagnosed in utero with transposition of the great arteries. In the last year, Grayson has undergone two open-heart surgeries and a cardiac catheterization. Says Grayson’s mom, Jennifer, “CHOP saved our baby and so many like him. Their work makes a difference every single day and participating in Philly Spin-In is a great way for us to pay it forward.”
Harper A.’s Story
Harper’s heart journey began before she was even born when doctors diagnosed her CHD in utero and referred the family to CHOP. Just 2 years old, Harper has already undergone many surgeries and catheterizations, yet remains a determined, “bright light” who loves to dance, sing and make people laugh. “As a parent of a child with CHD, you feel so helpless at times because you can’t fix the problem or make it go away,” says Harper’s mom, Julie. “For me, the Philly Spin-In is something I can do to celebrate these incredible children and do my part to raise awareness and funds to support their futures.”
Harper S.’s Story
Harper’s family describes the 3-year-old as “funny, outgoing, smart and sassy.” Diagnosed in utero with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, Harper’s come leaps and bounds, overcoming two open-heart procedures with the support of her family. Though having a child undergo surgery is frightening, Harper’s family was comforted by the loving care of her CHOP team. Harper’s family hopes her strength will continue to serve her well, and that she “never loses the fight she has.” For now, Harper is busy learning colors, shapes and numbers, as well as playing with her older sister.
Mackensie (“Kensie”) and Madison’s (“Madi”) Story
Identical twins Mackensie and Madison were both diagnosed with tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) in utero. Born at 32 weeks, the twins had a TOF repair in their first few months of life and a pulmonary valve repair in 2021. Now 17, the girls are back to the sports they love: swimming for Kensie and gymnastics for Madi. Madi learned about Philly Spin-In last year, while in the hospital, and she says the idea of one day sharing her own success story encouraged her during recovery. “I want to show children at CHOP that they can get better, just like the people at last year’s Spin-In showed me.”
Monty’s story
Monty was diagnosed in utero with transposition of the great arteries, a complex condition in which the aorta and pulmonary artery are attached to the wrong sides of the heart. Monty underwent a lifesaving procedure shortly after birth, and then an arterial switch, an open-heart surgery to reconstruct the heart. Now 9 months old, Monty has started to crawl, pull himself up and climb stairs. An encouraging poster, hung on Monty’s crib at CHOP, now hangs on his bedroom door as a reminder of all this brave Heart Warrior has overcome.
Sara’s Story
19-year-old Sara believes in working hard and helping others. As an aspiring nurse, she hopes to give other children the same compassionate and advanced care she received as a patient in the Cardiac Center at CHOP. Sara was born with a pulmonary artery sling, a rare condition where the left pulmonary artery passes between the trachea and esophagus. CHOP surgeons reconstructed her trachea, relocated her pulmonary artery and repaired two ventricular septal defects (holes in the chambers of her heart). Now Sara is starting her first clinical rotation in nursing school.
Shane’s Story
At Shane’s 8-week checkup, his pediatrician noticed Shane was wheezing. Further testing showed Shane’s heart was enlarged. He was in heart failure and needed surgery immediately. At 10 weeks old, one day after his diagnosis of coarctation of the aorta, Shane underwent emergency surgery at CHOP. Now 8, Shane runs track and plays soccer and hopes to continue playing sports in college. “We will always be grateful to the CHOP team who worked to save Shane’s life. Thanks to them, the sky’s the limit for our son,” says his mom, Katelyn. Shane’s family is excited to participate in Philly Spin-In to support future lifesaving care for children like Shane.
Wyatt’s Story
Wyatt was diagnosed with hypoplastic left heart syndrome when he was still in his mother’s womb. Born in CHOP’s Special Delivery Unit for mothers carrying babies with known birth defects, Wyatt underwent his first open heart surgery at 3 days old and his second just five months later. This fall, this inquisitive and energetic Heart Warrior started preschool! 2022 will be Wyatt’s second year at Philly Spin-In. Say his parents, “We can’t wait to support the Cardiac Center’s amazing research and care that gives families like ours a bright future!”
2021 Ambassadors
Aleena’s Story
In Jan. 2021, Aleena and her family received the news they’d been waiting for: CHOP’s transplant team had a new heart for Aleena. Born with a rare heart defect called Ebstein’s anomaly of the tricuspid valve, Aleena had already undergone multiple open-heart surgeries and even more transcatheter interventions. Now 11, this “sassy firecracker” grows stronger every day and looks forward to pursuing her future aspiration — to perform on a big stage.
Connor’s Story
Strength and fearlessness — that’s what Connor’s parents wish for their energetic 2-year-old as he grows up. Diagnosed with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, Connor has already faced more health challenges than many adults. For now, this happy toddler is busy running, jumping and perfecting his dance moves. His parents are grateful for the care they received at CHOP and for Connor’s surgeon Dr. Jonathan Chen — so much so that Jonathan is Connor’s middle name! They look forward to participating in Philly Spin-In to increase CHD awareness for CHOP heart warriors like Connor.
Cora’s Story
Cora was diagnosed prenatally with aortic valve stenosis and underwent open-heart surgery shortly after she was born. At 5 weeks old, she went into heart failure, and CHOP doctors saved her life through an innovative transcatheter procedure. Now a spunky and happy toddler, Cora just celebrated her second birthday! She loves playing with her big sister and sneaking her older brother’s toys. Her parents look forward to joining the cardiac community at Philly Spin-In in support of little hearts like Cora’s.
Lauren’s Story
Lauren loves walking in the rain and splashing in the ocean with her friends. Until a year ago, she wasn’t able to participate in activities like this without experiencing chest pain, difficulty breathing and coughing up casts. At 18, Lauren was diagnosed with plastic bronchitis and treated in CHOP’s Jill and Mark Fishman Center for Lymphatic Disorders — the first center of its kind to diagnosis and treat complex lymphatic conditions. Now 20, Lauren breathes freely and just completed her second year at college.
Mackenzie’s Story
Mackenzie, 10, is described by her parents as “our sunshine — with a little bit of hurricane mixed in. She knows how to push through the hard.” Two days after Mackenzie was born, her doctor discovered a heart murmur, which ultimately lead to a diagnosis of critical aortic stenosis and hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Mackenzie’s strength served her well through multiple procedures and three open-heart surgeries. Now thriving, Mackenzie’s taking on math and her new favorite sport: softball!
Martin Luiz’s Story
Martin Luiz was only 6 days old when he underwent the first of three open-heart surgeries needed to treat acute hypoplastic left heart syndrome, a severe congenital heart defect. Now 6 months, Martin Luiz is a happy baby who loves being outside and playing with his big brothers. His parents credit his health to CHOP’s first-class medical care and compassionate culture. The family is participating in Philly Spin-In “to say thank you for saving our son’s life.”
Morgan’s Story
If you watched 18-year-old Morgan play ice hockey at the University of Delaware, you’d never know she has a congenital heart defect. Diagnosed prenatally, Morgan’s had three open-heart surgeries and multiple procedures at CHOP to treat hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Having graduated high school in the top of her class, Morgan plans to pursue a career in civil engineering. Say her parents, “We believe Morgan represents all that is possible in life despite having health challenges.”
Olivia’s Story
When Olivia was born, doctors discovered a heart murmur; at 5 months, she was diagnosed with mitral valve stenosis and a dilated left ventricle. In 2019, Olivia received a valve replacement at CHOP. With the help of physical therapy, Olivia — now 2 — is able to crawl and learning to stand on her own. Her parents look forward to the day when Olivia will be able to run and play with her twin sister, Isabela, and 3-year-old sister, Camila.
Stephanos’ Story
Stephanos’ medical journey began before he was born. Diagnosed prenatally with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, Stephanos needed advanced cardiac care, including three open-heart surgeries. “We knew CHOP would be the best place to tackle his condition,” say his parents. Now 3 1/2, Stephanos loves playing with his little sister and wants to become a golfer. His parents hope his medical journey will raise awareness that supports future generations of children with CHD.
Tenlee’s Story
“Nothing prepares you,” says Tenlee’s mom, remembering the family’s medical journey, which began before Tenlee was born. Ultimately diagnosed with an unbalanced AV canal, Tenlee needed a heart transplant, which she miraculously received at just 5 months old. Now 2, Tenlee spends every moment she can with her older sister and baby brother. Says her mom, “We’re participating in Philly Spin-In to give back to the place that gave my daughter another chance at life.”
Zachary M’s Story
Zachary was diagnosed with hypoplastic right heart syndrome — a congenital heart defect in which the right-sided heart structures are underdeveloped or unformed — while still in his mother’s womb. At CHOP, this inquisitive and energetic little boy has received four open-heart surgeries and more than 20 cardiac catherization procedures. Now 5, Zachary recently began playing T-ball and looks forward to starting kindergarten this fall. He loves superheroes, playing outside and spending time with his 2-year-old sister.
Zachary R’s Story
At 3 1/2, Zachary was diagnosed with Kawasaki disease, a rare inflammatory syndrome affecting the body’s blood vessels and coronary arteries. Zachary suffered multiple coronary aneurysms, ultimately leading to heart failure. In July 2020, Zachary — now 5 — finally received his new heart. “Because of the care we received at CHOP and the kindness of a stranger that said ‘yes’ to organ donation, our family was given a second chance,” say his parents.
2020 Ambassadors
Amelia’s Story
Before Amelia was born she was diagnosed with pulmonary arterial venous fistula, a rare and potentially deadly heart defect. She would need specialized care before, during and immediately after birth. Doctors at CHOP performed a C-section delivery, and within minutes of birth, Amelia underwent a cutting-edge cardiac catheterization procedure to place an expanding metal plug in her heart to correct the blood flow to her heart and lungs. Today, Amelia is a happy and healthy 1-year-old.
Annie’s Story
Annie was only four days old when she was transported from Arkansas to CHOP for a series of life-saving surgeries to treat hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Doctors told her family that Annie’s condition was dire — she was essentially missing one side of her heart — but that there was hope thanks to the experience and expertise at CHOP. After returning to Philadelphia multiple times for surgery, Annie’s family decided to move to Pennsylvania to ensure she would always have access to world-renown heart care. Today, Annie is a happy kindergartener who loves dance class and hopes to become a “baby doctor” like the ones who saved her life.
Beckett’s Story
Diagnosed with hypoplastic left heart syndrome before he was even born, Beckett underwent three open heart surgeries: when he was 13 hours old, at 5 months old, and at 3 years old. Now 6 years old, Beckett’s ongoing treatment includes daily medication and regular visits to CHOP’s Cardiac Center. His parents will monitor his condition throughout his life and trust that advancements in medicine and technology at CHOP will meet his changing needs as he grows up. Beckett loves to draw, plays the ukulele and is a huge fan of Toy Story.
Cherish’s Story
Cherish, 14, had been struggling with debilitating fatigue for weeks when her family brought her to CHOP. Doctors diagnosed her with severe heart failure caused by dilated cardiomyopathy, a serious condition where the muscle in the heart becomes abnormally thick and enlarged, affecting her body’s ability to pump blood and maintain its rhythm. To help immediately, CHOP doctors implanted a left ventricular assist device (LVAD) to keep her alive until a donor heart was available. Nine months later, Cherish received a heart transplant and began her complete recovery. Today, Cherish is enjoying high school, playing basketball again and looks forward to attending college.
Evelyn’s Story
Before Evelyn was even born, doctors knew there was a problem with her heart. Prenatally diagnosed with aortic atresia, Evelyn’s chances for survival were slim. Her parents decided to temporarily move from Colorado to Philadelphia for the advanced delivery care and special cardiac support their baby (and her twin) would receive at CHOP. The twins were born two months early, and Evelyn remained in the cardiac ICU until she was large enough for surgery to successfully repair the severe aortic arch hypoplasia and ventricular septal defect. Evelyn will eventually need her heart conduit — and possibly the valve — replaced but, for today, she is a happy and talkative 3-year-old.
Hudson’s Story
Born with an atrial septal defect, Hudson received life-saving surgery at CHOP when he was nearly a year old to fix the “hole” in the upper chamber of his heart. Now 7, Hudson has recovered completely and only returns to CHOP for an annual check-up. He’s an avid painter, talented ukulele player, and huge fan of superheroes. His parents credit his recovery to the talented team at CHOP’s Cardiac Center.
Matt’s Story
Soon after he was born in New Mexico, Matt was diagnosed with tetralogy of Fallot, a serious heart defect. He would need complex surgery. His parents reached out to a family member who worked at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and discovered the hospital had cardiac experts who could help. Matt and his family came to Philadelphia to meet with CHOP doctors. Soon after, Matt underwent open-heart surgery to patch the abnormal opening between the bottom two chambers of his heart and expand his pulmonary valve. Today, Matt is a thriving 16-year-old who plays lacrosse, races bikes and hopes to become an engineer.
Nico’s Story
Nico was still growing in his mother’s womb when doctors discovered a massive hole in his heart and multiple defects in his aorta — blocking blood to the rest of his body. Two days after he was born, he was successfully treated at CHOP with open-heart surgery. Today, he’s a thriving little boy who’s hitting his developmental milestones, enjoys roughhousing with his “dada” and playing with his mom and sister. Though only 10 months old, Nico is a huge Philadelphia Eagles football fan and smiles every time he hears the team’s fight song. Nico’s parents are in awe of their “miracle” baby and eternally grateful to the team at CHOP, who have become their second family.
Phoebe’s Story
Phoebe has never let her heart condition hold her back. Born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, Phoebe underwent a series of reconstructive heart surgeries in her first three years. But instead of focusing on her limitations, Phoebe’s family encouraged her to focus on what she could do — bike, hike, play sports, study and live her fullest life. Now 17, Phoebe is looking forward to playing Division 1 lacrosse next fall at Fairfield University in Connecticut. As she enters adulthood, Phoebe says she’s glad she can keep her connection to CHOP through the Single Ventricle Survivorship Program.
Samad’s Story
At two days old, Samad went into cardiac arrest four times. Though his heart was structurally normal, doctors discovered he had long QT syndrome, a rare genetic heart condition that disrupts the electrical signals in the heart. After Samad was treated with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator to regulate his heart rhythm, his family underwent genetic testing and discovered they too had the condition and were at risk of sudden cardiac arrest. The entire family now receives regular heart monitoring and is treated as needed.
Sophie’s Story
CHOP’s Cardiac Center has been an important part of Sophie’s family since the day she and her twin sister, Phoebe, were born. Both girls were treated as infants for different congenital heart defects. Sophie had surgery first — 24 hours after birth — to repair her ventricular septal heart defect and has been medically followed by CHOP ever since. Sophie is a natural athlete and says she never felt limited by her heart condition – it just made her more determined. After years of playing competitive sports, Sophie was recruited to join the University of Notre Dame’s Division 1 lacrosse team in Fall 2020.
2019 Ambassadors
To 23-year-old Erin, her numerous scars are powerful reminders of all she’s overcome since being diagnosed with congenital heart disease as a baby.
Not much stops Hailee — at least not for long. She’s had three open-heart surgeries and had a pacemaker implanted — all by the age of 5.
Born with congenital heart disease and later developing heart failure, Hudson needed a heart transplant to survive. Today, the 5-year-old is running circles around his parents.
Two years ago, Jackson needed life support when he caught an extremely rare, life-threatening condition. Today, he’s an active teenager who excels at golf.
Lily underwent several surgeries at CHOP’s Cardiac Center to treat her HLHS. Now she’s dancing ballet and contemporary.
Matthew B.
Born with a backward heart on the wrong side of his body, Matthew received a heart transplant and is now thriving.
Matthew H.
Since having innovative treatment for plastic bronchitis, Matthew, 10, is planning a bright future — he hopes one day to become a doctor.
After four months on a ventricular assist device, 13-year-old Naadir received a heart transplant at CHOP and is recovering well.
Born with a heart defect, Nadia received surgery at CHOP in 2017. She is now an active 3-year-old who loves dancing and playing soccer.
Born with holes in her heart, Siena overcame many challenges during her first year. After treatment at CHOP, she’s back home and reaching new milestones.
2018 Ambassadors
Beyah, 2, has come a long way since having lifesaving open heart surgery at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia when she was just a few days old.
Christopher had heart surgery to correct his coarctation of the aorta when he was just 6 months old. Today, he’s enjoying kindergarten.
Finn, 3, loves to run, dance and climb the stairs. Watching the active toddler, you would never guess he was born with serious heart defects.
At 12 years old, Katie has overcome many of her own health-related obstacles and faces more in the years ahead. She has the support of her family and her medical team at CHOP.
When Olivia was just 4 days old, she had open heart surgery to repair her coarctation of the aorta, a congenital heart disease. Today, she’s a happy and active 3-year-old who loves to dance, sing, and play with her brothers.