Frequently Asked Questions
Basic Information
What is Philly Spin-In?
Philly Spin-In is a fun, high-energy, team cycling party benefiting the Cardiac Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). The day will be filled with heart-pumping music, Philly’s top spin instructors, and inspiring patient stories. Teams and individuals can sign up for one of three 3-hour cycling sessions. Each session is 3 hours long, encouraging riders of all skill levels to ride.
How do I get started?
Visit the Philly Spin-In registration page, and select a participant type:
- Saturday Evening Session
- Sunday Morning Session
- Sunday Afternoon Session
How can I participate?
There are two ways to participate in the Philly Spin-In.
Ride in Person
Start or join a team of up to six (6) riders per bike and join us at Live! Casino & Hotel Philadelphia. Throughout each session, team riders will take turns on their designated bike during four, 30 to 35-minute classes, led by Philadelphia’s top indoor cycling instructors.
Participate virtually
We are no longer live streaming the event, but you can still help raise critical funds for children with heart disease at CHOP from home. Simply pick an existing team to join and put on your favorite playlist! You will receive your Philly Spin-In t-shirt/tank top and rally towel prior to the event.
Is there a fundraising requirement?
Yes. All Philly Spin-In teams are required to raise a minimum of $1,000 per bike. (For example, one bike = $1,000, and two bikes = $2,000.) If teams have more than 4 bikes, we encourage a higher fundraising commitment per bike.
Is there a limit to how many people can be on a team?
There are no limits to how big your team is, but there are limits on how many riders can be assigned to one bike. One bike can have a maximum of six riders. Teams may reserve a maximum of eight bikes. Need additional bikes? Email: phillyspinin@chop.edu.
Is there a maximum number of bikes my team can have?
Yes. Teams may reserve a maximum of eight bikes.
I’m a team captain and participating in person. Can I have virtual team members?
Absolutely! We encourage your friends and family who can’t join you physically to support your team virtually.
If the team I want to join is virtual, can I participate in person?
Only team captains who start their team and select bikes can participate in person. If you would like to participate in person but your team captain is virtual, we recommend you start your own team and recruit team members to participate.
Are there sponsorship opportunities available for my company?
Absolutely! View our sponsorship opportunities or contact calabreseap@chop.edu for additional sponsorship information. Customized sponsorship opportunities are available to fit our partners’ needs.
Is there an app to support Philly Spin-In?
Yes! Download the DonorDrive app and search for Philly Spin-In. Once you log in using your username and password, you’ll be able to fundraise and communicate with your team easily from your smartphone.
Download the DonorDrive app for iOS
Download the DonorDrive app for Android
Are there any discounts to stay at the LIVE! Casino & Hotel Philadelphia?
Yes! Special room rates are exclusive to Philly Spin-In participants.
Book here for a discounted stay.
What are my responsibilities as a team captain?
Team captains customize the team page, recruit team members and motivate their team to raise funds to support innovative cardiac care and research.
If I had a team last year, do I have to start over again?
Yes. Team captains should visit the Philly Spin-In registration page. As a captain, you can register by logging in and using the same email and password as last year. Then, you can start your new team using the same team name as before (or choose a new one) and register for the event. If you do not remember your password, email phillyspinin@chop.edu to reset it.
When is the last day to register?
Bikes are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis per session. Online registration ends Friday, March 7 at noon. Sign up early to secure your spot!
How can I raise funds for Philly Spin-In?
There are so many ways to raise funds through Philly Spin-In! You can start by personalizing your fundraising page and sharing it with your family and friends via text, email or social media. Check out our Fundraising Tips for additional creative ideas.
How can I secure donations?
Your supporters can donate online through your fundraising page, and in-person donations can be made using our Offline Donation Form. For more information, see our Ways to Give page.
Will I receive a tax document for my contributions?
Donations made payable to Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and Children’s Hospital Foundation will receive a tax ID letter. Registration fees are not tax-deductible.
Can I send a check to go toward my fundraising commitment?
Absolutely! Checks should be made payable to “Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia/Foundation – Philly Spin-In”. Please add the participant’s name or team you are supporting in the memo line, and mail it to:
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Foundation
Attn: Philly Spin-In
P.O. Box 781352
Philadelphia, PA 19178-3352
Be sure to download, print and include the offline donation form when you mail in your payment. And don’t forget to add your offline donations to your fundraising page – it all adds up!
What happens if I don’t reach the minimum fundraising requirement?
No credit cards will be charged if your team does not meet the fundraising requirement, but we do encourage you to jumpstart your fundraising by making a gift to your team. CHOP reserves the right to unreserve a team’s bike if the team is not making an effort to reach their fundraising commitment.
How do I know if my company has a matching gift program?
Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match any charitable contributions or volunteer hours made by their employees. Search our matching directory to see if your company has a matching gift policy. You could double or even triple your contributions!
What is the fundraising deadline for the Top Team Award?
The fundraising deadline for the Top Team Award is 5 p.m. on Friday, March 7, 2025. The team with the largest fundraising total by this deadline will receive the Top Team Award and be featured on the Top Team plaque in the Cardiac Center.
Event Day
I’m new to cycling; can I participate?
Absolutely! No experience is required to participate in Philly Spin-In. Whether you’re a first-time rider or an expert, come join us and have fun!
Are there minimum age or height restrictions to participate?
Participants must be 13 or older; riders must be at least 5 feet to reach the bike pedals.
There are no restrictions for virtual participation!
How long will I ride?
Each session consists of four, 30 to 35-minute classes; however, team members may switch riders as often as they’d like! It’s completely up to each participant. Remember, there are only four 30 to 35-minute classes in each session.
Where can I park?
LIVE! Casino & Hotel Philadelphia has complimentary garage parking available through the Darien Street entrance. A surface lot is also available off 10th street. Keep in mind, attendees who park in the surface lot must enter through the casino; no one under the age of 21 is permitted.
What will I get at the event?
Besides unlimited entertainment and an inspiring day raising funds to support the CHOP Cardiac Center, each participant will receive a Philly Spin-In tank top or T-shirt (whichever you chose during registration), a rally towel, water, snacks and unlimited entertainment.
Do I need special indoor cycling shoes?
No, you don’t need indoor cycling shoes. Riders can wear sneakers or indoor cycling shoes. Each bike has pedals with cages or SPD compatibility. (Reminder that standard Peloton® shoes have DELTA clips and are not SPD compatible.)
What should I wear to Philly Spin-In?
We encourage all participants to wear comfortable active clothing and shoes. Don’t be afraid to show your spirit – bright colors, team shirts, tutus, feather boas, etc.
Do I have to stay the entire time if I am cycling with a team?
No, you can ride and leave, or you can stay. We encourage riders to stay and cheer on their teammates!
Will there be food and drink at the event?
Yes, there will be drinks and snacks for all registered participants at the event. If you have specific dietary restrictions, you are encouraged to bring your own food and drink.
How can I volunteer at Philly Spin-In?
Please email phillyspinin@chop.edu for volunteer information.
As a first-time rider, what should I be aware of?
Please note that this event will feature flashing lights and loud music, which may not be suitable for everyone.
Can children attend?
Yes, Philly Spin-In is a family friendly event! There will be a room with face painting, games and coloring pages for kids. Children are also welcome to dance on stage as long as they follow our safety standards.
If I can no longer make it to the in-person ride, what should I do?
Notify your team captain that you will no longer be able to attend. If you are able to participate virtually, but your team is going to participate in person, notify phillyspinin@chop.edu so we can switch you over to a virtual participant.